Vision & Mission

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Vision & Mission

At D.A.V. School (Divyanshu Anglo Vedic School), we recognize the imperaúve of imparting an educational experience that is world-class in every respect and which prepares children for global citizenship. We are a school with an Indian mind, an Indian heart and an Indian soul; a school that ceïebrates the culture of excellence and is an embodiment of values. We believe that a curriculum of excellence with a global dimension is central to the education of children to face the challenges of the 21st century with confidence and strength ofcharacter.

We want to develop the students ofD.A.V. School such that they cando their best ourambition is not on\y lo prepare our students for better jobs and degree but also, we wants an lndïan with lnóian values on global surface.

We have go the records of having knowledge that now-a-days whenever candidates got the good opportunires, they break their relationship with their parents, relatives, friends and colleagues. Community of family is hiding now-a-days. The value of humanism is breaking now-a-days. It is not called educated (literate), having this such type of education. The admission and commitment of the school is build up such type of humanities that can ba honest, good and successfut human. They respect their parents taking care and having good companies and relationship from his villagers. They give respect to elders and orders. They protect their religion to be good human having discipline because only a discipline nation can realize the principle of live and late live.