Modern Class System

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Modern Class System

The ratio of teacher for 30 to 40 students, depending on the age group of the students from class room to co-curricular activities such as in sports and in artistic and cultural activities is observed and each and every student is known by the teacher for his/her excellence and weaknesses. Our class will be EDUCOM (SMART CLASSES) and controlled by C.C.T.V. camera.

The medium of instruction adopted by the school is primarily English. However due importance is given to Hindi, our national language. Sanskrit is the third language.

Student Well-Being

We recognise the importance of meeting the unique learning needs of every child by providing a safe, supportive and respectful environment. Through Individualised attention that appreciates children’s learning styles and differing abilities, by helping them cope with emotional challenges and by providing them guidance to select higher education pathways, we work for their well-belng, withln the school and beyond.

Our student care team, comprising nine quallfied professionals, work with class teachers and parents to provide appropriate support, enabling students to excel in their studies. Wherever required, the student care team consults with outside therapists and educational psychologists In evaluating or addressing student needs. Students are supported so they are able to cope with academic demande and challenges, and manage them In constructive and creative ways.

At D.A.V. School, wa place emphasis on helping students develop essential life skills so they are better prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences throughouttheirIife.All students engage in an active, planned life skills programme, PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education), which is delivered by Class Teachers, Tutors in collaboration with school counsellors.